Tuesday, July 20, 2010


In just a couple days I will be heading to central Guatemala to participate in a two week long build project with Habitat for Humanity/Christadelphian Meal A Day Fund of the Americas.

I was thrilled when they asked me to design a tee for the project!

Since we will be building houses alongside the new homeowners-to-be, I decided to incorporate some of the history of Guatemala (Mayan ruins) with modern building materials like concrete blocks and ladders which we will be using.

I thought a blue tee with white writing would be perfect to match the colours of the Guatemalan flag.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Almost a year later...

Welcome! Having my very valuable education behind me, it is now time to move forward in my visual career. First step - training wheels.

I hope this blog will be instrumental in my motivation to create and share new work at all times, no matter what situation I find myself in. Please, feel free to hold me accountable to this!

I have been working on my 'official' website and with the huge help of a wonderful friend it is now published and will continue to be added to. Check it out! www.aprilsage.com

Will post again soon.
